How do I find a strategy that's right for me? - Exness Social Trading

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How Do I Find a Strategy That's Right for Me? - Exness Social Trading

Exness Social Trading is a powerful platform that allows traders to follow and copy the strategies of experienced traders, enabling them to enter the markets with greater confidence. However, with numerous strategies available, it can be challenging to identify the one that best suits your trading style, risk tolerance, and financial goals. This article explores how to find the right strategy for you on Exness Social Trading, using research-backed methods and practical tips.

Understanding Your Trading Goals

Before selecting a strategy, it's important to clearly define your trading goals. Are you looking for short-term gains, or are you more interested in long-term growth? Are you risk-averse, or are you willing to accept more volatility in exchange for potentially higher returns? Understanding your objectives is the first step in finding a strategy that aligns with your needs.

Key Questions to Consider:

  1. What is my risk tolerance?
    Consider whether you are comfortable with moderate risk or prefer a safer, low-risk approach.

  2. What are my financial goals?
    Are you aiming for steady income or rapid portfolio growth? This will help you determine the right strategy type.

  3. How much time can I dedicate to trading?
    Active trading strategies may require more frequent monitoring, while passive strategies can be more hands-off.

Evaluating Strategy Providers on Exness Social Trading

Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can begin reviewing the various Strategy Providers on Exness Social Trading. The platform offers detailed profiles for each provider, including performance metrics, risk levels, and trading history. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating strategies:

1. Historical Performance

One of the most important metrics to consider when evaluating a strategy is its historical performance. A consistent track record over a significant period indicates that the provider has a solid approach and can adapt to different market conditions.

What to Look For:

  • Monthly returns: Look for steady and consistent monthly returns over at least 6-12 months.

  • Low volatility: Strategies with lower volatility tend to be safer, while high-volatility strategies carry higher risk.

  • Drawdown: This refers to the largest percentage loss in a strategy’s portfolio from peak to trough. A lower drawdown suggests better risk management.


A Strategy Provider has an average return of 5% per month for the last year and a maximum drawdown of 10%. This shows that the provider offers a solid balance between return and risk. Such a strategy might be suitable for traders with a moderate risk tolerance.

2. Risk Management

Every trading strategy has a different level of risk, which is important to assess. On Exness, the Risk Score provides insight into how much risk a strategy entails. Strategies with lower risk scores are typically more conservative, while higher scores suggest more aggressive trading.

Key Metrics to Consider:

  • Risk score: On Exness, strategies are often rated on a scale, with a lower score indicating lower risk.

  • Stop-loss usage: Providers who consistently use stop-loss orders demonstrate a disciplined approach to minimizing losses.

  • Leverage: High leverage can amplify profits but also increases risk. Strategies with moderate leverage are generally safer for beginners.

3. Strategy Type and Trading Style

Different traders use different strategy types, such as scalping, swing trading, or position trading. Each style comes with its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your goals and risk tolerance.

Common Strategy Types:

  • Scalping: Involves making numerous trades throughout the day to profit from small price movements. Scalping strategies require active management and are generally high-risk.

  • Swing trading: Aims to capture price swings over a few days or weeks. Swing traders look for short- to medium-term gains and tend to have moderate risk.

  • Position trading: Focuses on long-term price trends and may hold positions for months. This style is ideal for traders looking for slower, more consistent returns.

Case Study:

A trader interested in short-term gains with a higher risk tolerance might opt for a scalping strategy. For example, a provider with a 30% monthly return over the last three months and a higher risk score could be ideal for those looking for aggressive growth. On the other hand, a position trading strategy with lower volatility and a consistent return of 2-3% per month might be better suited for someone seeking long-term stability.

Diversification: The Key to Managing Risk

Diversification is a fundamental principle of investing and applies equally to social trading. By following multiple strategies across different asset classes and trading styles, you can reduce risk and enhance the chances of consistent returns.

How to Diversify on Exness Social Trading:

  • Follow different strategies: Choose a mix of conservative and aggressive strategies to balance your risk.

  • Diversify across asset classes: Some Strategy Providers specialize in Forex, while others may focus on commodities, indices, or cryptocurrencies. By diversifying across different markets, you can reduce exposure to a single asset class.

  • Monitor correlation: Ensure that the strategies you follow are not too closely correlated. For example, if two strategies primarily trade the same currency pairs, they may be affected by the same market conditions.


A trader could allocate 50% of their funds to a low-risk position trading strategy, 30% to a moderate-risk swing trading strategy, and 20% to a high-risk scalping strategy. This diversified approach helps spread risk and smoothens overall returns.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Strategy

Once you have selected strategies, it is essential to monitor their performance regularly and make adjustments as necessary. Exness Social Trading offers real-time data and performance reports to help you track your investments.

What to Monitor:

  • Monthly performance: Is the strategy performing consistently, or has there been a drop in returns?

  • Drawdown: Has the strategy experienced significant losses recently? A spike in drawdown could signal higher risk.

  • Risk score changes: If a previously low-risk strategy becomes more aggressive, consider adjusting your portfolio.

Case Study:

A trader following a swing trading strategy notices a sudden increase in drawdown and decides to reduce their exposure to that strategy while increasing their allocation to a more stable, long-term strategy. By staying proactive and adjusting based on performance, the trader reduces potential losses.


Finding the right strategy on Exness Social Trading involves evaluating your own risk tolerance, financial goals, and the track record of different Strategy Providers. By analyzing performance metrics, understanding the risk, and diversifying your investments, you can tailor your approach to fit your unique needs. Monitoring performance and adjusting your portfolio over time ensures that you remain aligned with your trading objectives.

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