Forex Signals Provider: This is What They Hope You Never Find Out

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Forex Signals Provider: This is What They Hope You Never Find Out

Forex signals have become a popular tool for traders looking to gain an edge in the foreign exchange market. Many traders rely on forex signals providers to give them recommendations on when to buy and sell currency pairs. These signals are usually based on a combination of technical analysis, fundamental data, and market sentiment. However, there are some crucial details that many signal providers hope you never find out. In this article, we will reveal what forex signals providers don’t want you to know, helping you make more informed decisions when choosing and using these services.

1. Not All Forex Signals Providers Are Created Equal

One of the first things to understand is that not all forex signals providers are legitimate or reliable. The forex industry is largely unregulated, meaning that anyone can claim to be an expert and sell signals to traders. Many providers use flashy marketing tactics, such as advertising "90% accuracy" or "guaranteed profits," to lure in traders. However, in reality, these claims are often exaggerated or entirely false.

Research-Based Data

According to a 2022 study by FX Empire, the average success rate of most forex signal providers is between 55% and 70%. While this might sound good, it’s far from the “guaranteed profits” many providers advertise. Traders should be wary of providers that promise exceptionally high success rates without backing their claims with verified data or transparent trading histories.

Example: Fake Signals and Scams

In 2021, a signal provider named "FastForexGains" advertised a 95% success rate and attracted many traders. However, after subscribing to the service, users realized that the signals were inconsistent, with many leading to losses. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the company had no actual track record of profitability, and it was eventually shut down for fraudulent practices.

2. The Hidden Costs of Forex Signals

Another thing that signal providers don’t tell you upfront is that there are often hidden costs associated with using their service. While many providers offer a monthly subscription fee, which can range from $30 to $200, there can be additional costs that are not always clear to the trader.

Signal Fees and Brokerage Relationships

Some signals providers have close relationships with specific brokers and will encourage traders to use those brokers to access their signals. What traders may not realize is that these providers often receive commissions or kickbacks from the brokerages. In return, the brokers may increase the spreads or introduce hidden trading fees, which can eat into a trader’s profits.

Example: Signal and Spread Manipulation

In 2022, a forex signal provider partnered with a lesser-known brokerage and directed traders to open accounts with them. Many traders later found that the spreads were consistently higher than the market average, meaning they paid more in transaction costs. While the provider advertised their signals as profitable, the increased spreads significantly reduced the actual returns.

3. Signal Accuracy Can Be Misleading

Many traders believe that if a signals provider claims a high level of accuracy, it must translate into profits. However, accuracy alone does not guarantee profitability. For example, a provider could claim an 80% win rate but fail to disclose that the losses from the other 20% of trades outweigh the profits from the winning trades. This is because the size of the winning and losing trades matters more than the percentage of correct signals.

Risk-Reward Ratio

What many signals providers fail to mention is the importance of risk-reward ratios. A trader might follow a signal provider with a high accuracy rate, but if each losing trade results in a much larger loss than the profits from winning trades, the trader could still end up in the red. Professional traders recommend looking at not just accuracy but also the average profit and loss per trade.

Case Study: Accuracy vs. Profitability

In 2020, a trader using a signal service that advertised an 80% accuracy rate ended up losing money over several months. While 8 out of 10 trades were successful, the two losing trades wiped out the gains from the other eight because they were much larger. This highlights the need to analyze both accuracy and risk-reward ratios when evaluating a signal provider.

4. Providers May Not Use the Signals They Sell

Another little-known fact about some forex signals providers is that they may not trade using their own signals. This lack of alignment between the provider and the trader is a major red flag. If the signals are so reliable, why wouldn’t the provider use them for their own trading?

No Real Accountability

Many signal providers don’t have any skin in the game—meaning they don't actually place trades based on the signals they sell. This lack of accountability means they aren’t personally invested in the performance of the signals. Traders should look for providers who are transparent about their trading activities and, ideally, use the same signals for their own trades.

Example: Signal Provider Without Skin in the Game

A well-known signal provider claimed to have a long history of profitable signals. However, after further investigation by users in online forums, it was discovered that the provider didn’t trade at all but merely sold signals. This raised concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the service, as there was no financial incentive for the provider to ensure the signals were truly profitable.

5. Over-Reliance on Signals Can Lead to Bad Habits

Traders who rely too heavily on forex signals may miss out on developing their own trading skills. Many traders become dependent on signal services, which can stifle their ability to analyze the market, understand price action, and make independent decisions. This over-reliance can be particularly harmful in the long run if a trader decides to stop using signals or the service becomes unavailable.

The Importance of Education

While using signals can be helpful for beginner traders, it’s important to see them as a supplement rather than a replacement for learning how to trade. Developing a strong foundation in technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and risk management is crucial for long-term success in the forex market.

Case Study: Long-Term Reliance on Signals

A trader who had relied on signals for over two years decided to stop using them to save on subscription costs. However, after cutting off the service, the trader struggled to make profitable trades independently, having neglected to build up their own market analysis skills. This case demonstrates the dangers of over-relying on signals and underscores the importance of learning to trade independently.


While forex signals can offer valuable insights and guidance for traders, there are many hidden truths that providers hope you never discover. Not all signals providers are legitimate, and many use tactics that can mislead traders, such as hidden costs, exaggerated accuracy claims, and conflicts of interest with brokers. Traders must do thorough research, carefully evaluate providers, and always prioritize education to avoid falling into these traps. By understanding the full picture, traders can make more informed decisions and reduce their reliance on potentially misleading services.

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